Starting off a blog for class

Well, I suppose we are to use this to our advantage in getting out our ideas or thoughts from class or just from throughout the day. Today we were discussing our first assignment which is to write a non-fictional story on something. Of course it would be best to base it upon our own experiences. So far I am not sure what to write my story on but here our some quick ideas.

1.) I was thinking on writing about the day of my first  car crash on Friday the 13th and how I though all day how super bad things can occur on any day not just the 13th and to my luck, we get into an accident. When I got out of the car and looked at the clock across the street, it was 11:59pm Friday the 13th. Go figure!

2.) Maybe another story on a more serious note would be to write about how I lost two friends. My first friend died in a car accident and it made me realize to make each moment count with your friends. Take time out to see them and talk to them when you can. Don’t blow them off. I had the reminder of this hit me last year in October when another friend of mine died and I have no idea how. But, indeed again it was a reminder of how not to blow off your friends.

3.) maybe another topic could be of how I yelled at my mother said something I regret to this day because I cannot take back what I have said.

These are just ideas. I will try to come up with much happier ones later on but this is what I have for the moment. Maybe more will hit me later.


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